Source code for mediaviz.community_utils

import random
import networkx as nx
import community

def _generate_random_hex_color():
    """ Generates handom hex color code and returns them as string
    Helper function for setting community colormaps. Does not take any input.
        hex code. Example : "#FFFFFF". 

    r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
    return '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r())

[docs]def get_community_colormap(partition): """Takes dict of partitions after community detection and returns dict with colormap for partitions. The function is currently used with python-louvain package, but it's a general purpose function for randomly generating colorlaps from node attributes.Expected to change into get_random_colormap(node_attributes) in the next version. Parameters ---------- partition : dict Dictionary of form {node1:partition,node2:partition....} generated after community detection. Examples -------- >>> import community #python-louvain package >>> import networkx as nx >>> from mediaviz.community_utils import get_community_colormap >>> G = nx.florentine_families_graph() >>> partitions = community.best_partition(G) >>> get_community_colormap(partitions) {0: '#A0FD29', 1: '#C3E994', 2: '#61EDD2', 3: '#DCB0DF'} Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing partitions and colormaps. """ partitions = set(partition.values()) result = {p:_generate_random_hex_color() for p in partitions} return result
[docs]def get_community_graph(G): """ Takes a Graph, generates partitions from python-louvain package, sets the partitions as node attributes and returns the Graph and partitions. Helper function to integrate community detection with the draw function. In the draw function color_by parameter takes a node attribute along with a colormap for the attributes. So here python-louvain is used for getting the community partitions first and then we set those partitions as node attributes. Examples -------- >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.florentine_families_graph() >>> from mediaviz.community_utils import get_community_graph >>> G, partitions = get_community_graph(G) Parameters ---------- G : nx.Graph A networkx graph. Notes ----- If G is a digraph , as python-louvain package does not currently support digraphs, it's changed to the undirected graph of the largest weakly connected component.See source if necessary. Returns ------- tuple Returns a tuple of form (G, partitions) where G has partitions set as node attributes and partitions are partitions generated from the python-louvain package. """ if type(G) == nx.DiGraph: G = max(nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len).to_undirected() partitions = community.best_partition(G) for node in G.nodes(): G.node[node]["partition"] = partitions[node] return G, partitions